Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Office Location:
Office Location:
S3 Second Floor, Business School, Main Campus. University of Ghana
Current Roles
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Saint Kuttu
Saint Kuttu is an Associate Professor of Finance and Risk Management at the University of Ghana Business School, University of Ghana, Legon. He holds BSc. (Administration) Banking and Finance, MSc. Computational Finance, and PhD Finance. He has presented and discussed research papers at several international conferences. He has also chaired conference sessions on emerging market finance. He has held lectureship (assistant professorship) positions at the Hanken School of Economics, Finland, and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). At Hanken School of Economics, Finland, he taught Financial Modelling using Microsoft Excel and VBA, Advanced Financial Theory, and Research Methods in Finance in the MSc Quantitative Finance Programme. At GIMPA, he taught courses in Finance and Risk Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Currently, he teaches courses in Finance, Risk Management and Insurance at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels at the University of Ghana Business School.
He is a reviewer for Research in International Business and Finance, Emerging Markets Review Journal, Applied Financial Economics Journal, Sage Open and African Journal of Management Research. He has published in high-ranking international finance journals hosted by Elsevier, Taylor and Francis and Springer.
Also, he was part of a committee of experts tasked to develope a business model and business plan for the new University of Ghana Medical Centre. He was a lead facilitator on a training on Macroeconometric Forecasting organised by the Ministry of Finance and Ghana Economic Policy and Research Institute (GEPARI) for staff of central management agencies in Ghana. Also, he was a consultant for a training on Financial Crisis Management, Stress Testing and Financial Risk Forecasting organised by the Risk Management Division of the Bank of Ghana. He is part of a Vice-Chancellor appointed team tasked to develop an Enterprise Risk Management Framework for the University of Ghana.